Friday, May 2, 2008

Opening Night

Last night was opening night for the play I'm directing. Dress rehearsal yesterday afternoon was amazing. Everything really came together, and then last night was even more phenomenal as the kids pulled out all the stops and made it a huge success. We had a great turn out for the audience, they were responsive and interacted with the cast beautifully (melodrama style) and it really boosted the actors' performance. Today is our 'down' day, we don't have a performance tonight, so we're just going to hang out and have fun in class. I'm hoping that tomorrow night's performance goes equally as well as last night's and that the students can carry a sense of accomplishment and pride with them. One down, one to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only thing more fun than an opening night is the closing night and apres-show party. Glad it went well for you and the kids.