Monday, May 12, 2008

Un "Done"

Wait... I'm not DONE yet.
This is how I've felt for the past week or so. School is quickly coming to an end, and I haven't done, or gotten done, or something, all of the things I thought I was going to do, or that I'm used to doing. Usually at this point in the year I have a sense of accomplishment, of finishing, of feeling DONE. I don't this year and I think it's all the yearbook's fault. At my other school, as yearbook adviser, we had 'spring' delivery, which meant, the students got their yearbooks at the beginning of May. Granted, it didn't have prom, or graduation, or the spring play in it, but we solved that problem a few years ago by putting together a spring supplement which included those things.

My new school has 'fall' delivery yearbooks, which means our final deadline isn't until AFTER school gets out (so we can get in Graduation etc). This is not how it's done folks. So, I'm still stressing and feeling deadline pressure, when I should be relaxing and feeling like I've done a good job this year. On top of that, I think we just tried to do too much. Not only are we doing a 100 page yearbook, but a 20 page elementary and middle school book. UGH and trying to sell them, and yeah, it's a nightmare. The Senior DVD situation isn't much better, as in, I don't think it's going to be done, but hey.. really, I've done what I can do on a limited time frame and with limited resources, and not knowing anything about the video editing software, other than what I've managed to dink around with during some free time.

So, in general, I have a sense of malaise, of incompleteness, of 'but wait!'. Honestly, at this point, whatever gets done, gets done, and I'll worry about the rest later. I'm DONE.

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