Thursday, September 6, 2007


It seems Thursdays are my day to post. It must be because of that small gasp of breath the universe takes right after humpday and right before shouting TGIF in which I actually have time to form some coherent thought. Normally, I don't work on Fridays, just one of the very few perks of my job, but this week, I am working tomorrow, and I have to tell you, it's pretty demoralizing. Thursday nights are supposed to be my blow off steam time, go to happy hour with some friends, or just sit and read a good book if I feel like it. I can stay up late on Thursdays and sleep in most Friday mornings, and no one cares, no one notices. So, here's my sad little mourning of a Thursday night followed by Friday morning where I have to get up and actually go to work. I suppose it could be worse, I could have to do it all the time. :)