Wednesday, May 7, 2008


This was on my Max Lucado “God Came Near” perpetual calendar this morning:

“ If there was anything that Jesus wanted everyone to understand it was this: A person is worth something simply because he is a person. That is why he treated people like he did. Think about it. The girl caught making undercover thunder with someone she shouldn’t - he forgave her. The untouchable leper who asked for cleansing – he touched him.” (No Wonder They Call Him the Savior p. 35)

You are precious and honored in my sight, and… I love you Isaiah 43:4”

This is evidence of healing for me:

As I’m facing what would have been my seventh anniversary on Sunday, I’m somewhat introspective about the past seven plus years, and trying to remember the good and deal with the bad. One bad scenario that repeated itself in various forms throughout the last few years of our marriage is having my STBX say to me that I wasn’t worthwhile. (and not just say it but yell it at the top of his lungs about three inches from my face) He (in anger) once asked me what I brought to the marriage, what he possibly got out of having a relationship with me, and what made me worth anything. I remember stammering and casting about in my head trying to come up with some quality, some contribution that he wouldn’t immediately shoot down as ‘BS’. I finally after mentally sorting through and rejecting every other quality I thought I possessed came up with “God made me, and he found me worthy enough to die for”.. and that was all I could muster at that point. He conceded that God did indeed make me, but claimed I’d made a mess of God’s creation and I was worth no more than the garbage on the street. The first time he did this I was so taken aback. So shocked I cried and sobbed for hours. By the time this had happened several times over the course of a couple years, I wasn’t really that crushed anymore. I squared my shoulders, turned my back and walked away. I chose at that moment, to live in the truth of what the Word of God told me, that I am redeemed, whole, valuable, loved and worth far more than rubies. It was a step in healing, in starting to let God’s truthful, loving voice drown out those that only sought to tear me down. It was a step toward freedom, and toward complete healing. It was a step to becoming whole again.

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