Tuesday, May 27, 2008


#1. Summer is here. I picked up my kids today, and that's when summer officially begins for me. We're leaving on a week and a half long camping trip to include Oregon and Yellowstone National Park. I'm not sure I'll have any wireless internet access, but I will be taking my laptop. So, I may or may not update from the road, it all depends.

#2. I had a fantastic weekend filled with reconnecting, rejuvinating, relaxing and realizing that once in a while, life really does give you second chances. I'm so glad I have a second shot.

#3. My roof didn't leak while I was gone. I seriously thought I was going to come home to my living room ceiling laying on the floor. Fortunately, that didn't happen. Now, I just need to get the roofer over here to see what the problem is.

#4. I'm working on some pretty important stuff personally, and feel like things are getting somewhat better. Boundaries/relationships with parents being at the top of my list right now. After this upcoming vacation, we'll see how it works.

#5 Have I mentioned how awesome my kids are? :) Well, it deserves a second go. I'm so blessed to have such amazing people as my own kids. I'm glad we're not just family, we're friends.

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