Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Counting Down

The great countdown is on all over the US. Days to election day? NAH. Shopping days till Christmas?? ARE YOU KIDDING? You know what it is... School kids of all ages are counting down the last days of school (and teachers too for that matter). That glorious anticipation of long summer days with no homework, projects or school. As a teacher, I look forward to the end of school almost as much as the students do. I mean, it is, afterall one of the only perks of the job. So, I'm joining in. I have 6 1/2 actual days of school left. Although, with yearbook deadline and graduation being after school gets out, I'll have to finish up some stuff, but still, it will be on my terms. :) So, let's hear it for summer.

1 comment:

Your Organizing Guru said...

Summer cannot get here fast enough! I was looking at the school calendar from 2006... the kids got out mid MAY! This year they get out June 12... it hardly seems fair that there is an "extra" month of school than just two years ago. Let's hear it for Summer! Hooray!