Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Every Time I Breathe

I've heard somewhere that you're supposed to take 10 deep cleansing breaths every day. It's supposed to decrease stress, increase circulation and lower anxiety. My counselor told me I needed to deep breathe more to focus myself and be 'in' the moment, something I have a very hard time doing. I've been practicing this today. As I breathe, I try to mentally let go of the little stresses that have been plaguing me for weeks. I'm more relaxed, focused, and productive and it feels good.


Anonymous said...

I like this song.


Lyza Lynne said...

Thanks. I hadn't heard that before even though I like Michelle Branch. I think that album is actually on my wish list. :) It's going to be my theme song for the summer. :)

T.H. Elliott said...

I like that idea. I sort of do that when I'm really pissed off or something.