Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Hebrews 8:12 I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.

The character trait of God I think I’m most thankful for is his forgetfulness. It is tangible evidence of his mercy and grace. He doesn’t pull out a clipboard and remember that he’s already forgiven me for this 398 times. He just doesn’t remember. I’ve done things in my life that I’ve continued to struggle to forgive myself for. The world seems to want to label and remember those mistakes. I’m so glad God doesn’t.

I attended a Bible Study at my church last night, one I’d never gone to before, and of course, wouldn't you know it, the topic for the evening was divorce. I have a unique perspective on divorce. I’ve seen it from just about every angle you can. I’ve been a child of divorce, one who has filed for divorce, and one whom has been asked for a divorce. That pretty much covers the bases. Now, don’t think that just because I’ve had so much experience with it, that I advocate it or approve of it in any way. On the contrary, I wouldn’t recommend the soul wrenching anguish to my worst enemy. I believe one should take every avenue to mend and heal a marriage before just throwing in the towel. It is not something to be taken lightly or flippantly. Some of the attitudes I encountered last night just floored me. I had to literally bite my tongue not to say things that I’m glad now, I didn’t say. I sat there looking at these fresh faced 20somethings who were either newly married or had never been married, much less divorced and thought how naïve and how ignorant they sounded spouting things like ‘well, I suppose if you’re getting your teeth knocked in every night it might be ok”. No one can know the hell another person lives in, no one can sit in judgment over what they think the solution is. Physical violence isn’t the only form of abuse one can endure, it’s just the most visible. I can only say from my own experience, that there are instances where God allows divorce, he hates it, as do I. But, sometimes it’s the lesser of two evils. God is big enough to work through even our own failures to bring about restoration and peace. I’m living proof He can heal and restore a broken life. I’m so glad he’s forgotten that broken battered person I used to be. He sees me as whole and beautiful, no labels, no regrets.

1 comment:

Sghoul said...

This is something I have learned about many subjects. There are things I would have never imagined or done years ago that I have since seen or done. Life is not the nice static thing we like to make it. Stuff happens.

And 20 somethings...man, I think they need to raise the voting age to 30. In your 20's, most people have never REALLY lived. they haven't been on their own, owned any real property, made any tough choices. Their lives are filled with ideals, not experience. And ideals are not reality.