Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Smells Like......

Ok, I'm crazy, I know that. I love walking through the dish detergent, laundry detergent or air freshener isle in a grocery store. I LOVE the smells. I never really realized before how important that sense is to me. It's not one I consciously rely on a lot, but smelling something really triggers emotions and memories for me. I can remember the smell of a boyfriend I had in high school and on and off in college. He wore Black Suede cologne. I actually bought some and dabbed it on a teddy bear he'd given me, because we were far away, and I wanted his memory and his presence that close. I think I've passed this on to my youngest daughter. She plays the violin, and I bought her some rosin for her bow. When she opened it up for the first time, she SMELLED it! More amazing, is that she exclaimed after smelling it "Mom, it smells like music!" :) What a funny kid!

Throughout the Old Testament, each time the Israelites are commanded to sacrifice something on the altar to God, it creates a "pleasing aroma, a sacrifice to God."

Numbers 28:2 “Give these instructions to the people of Israel: The offerings you present as special gifts are a pleasing aroma to me; they are my food. See to it that they are brought at the appointed times and offered according to my instructions."

Wow, God, who is non-corporeal, as far as I know, feeds on the aroma of our offerings. In the New Testament it says:

Ephesians 5:2:
"Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God."

So, we are to live a life of love as our sacrifice to God, and THAT will be a special gift to him, his food, a sacrifice.

Living a life filled with love sounds really good. But, it's hard sometimes when you're called to love people who have hurt you terribly (and don't seem to mind continuing to hurt you). I guess I'm still working on it.

So, now when I enjoy the smell of something, I'll remember how much God loves the smell of love in my life. :)

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