Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Time Flies

Wow, It's August already and school starts for me a week from today. I had a really good summer. I didn't get done everything I should have around the house, but I did have a fantastic vacation with the kids and the Powells, and that was much needed. Now, as I look at what I need to accomplish for the school year, I'm excited about what this year holds. I'll be taking my children to school where I teach, so that's exciting and will actually have my oldest daughter as one of my students. I continue to be amazed at God's timing, His complete gentleness when dealing with us, and His extreme love for me, and His mercy in all circumstances. Some of the things that have been in limbo for a long time are starting to shake loose for me, and some things that have been long anticipated are starting to show progress, so that's a relief. I think I've learned more patience through this time, but more importantly, I've known all along that God's timing is perfect.

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