Saturday, August 15, 2009


I have a lot of stuff going on under the surface today. I am working on lesson plans for the first few weeks of school, but I'm also trying to plan and figure out what is going to be happening in my personal life.

My honey has decided to heck with Florida and he's moving to Colorado sometime before Thanksgiving (heck, at this point it sounds like sometime before the first day of Fall). I'm excited about this, relieved to know we don't have to do the long distance thing much longer, but also curious as to how our relationship will change. The time apart has been good for us to develop a deep intimacy of thought and feeling and great communication. I just hope that continues as we're living our lives side by side and there's no need to 're-hash' our day and share all those little thoughts and feelings and ideas.

The other big change is that my children will be going to school where I teach. The younger two will be in middle school and my oldest will be at the high school with me. This will be a huge change, in that I will not only see my children every day on the way to and from school, but I will have my oldest in class as a student. I remember having my parents working at the school I went to, and for me it was a comfort knowing they were close by when I was little. As I got older, and teachers would tell my parents things that if they hadn't worked there, they would have never taken the time to call them up and let them know, it got to be uncomfortable. I just hope I don't cramp my daughter's style and allow her to be her own person and find her own interests and friends.

In addition to my children going to school where I teach, there is a possibility that they may be living with me 'full time' meaning, they'd see their dad every other weekend and stay with me the rest of the time. This is dependent on their dad moving to the town he works in, which is what he wants to do, and is making steps toward doing that (right now he's commuting an hour each way every day to his job). I know this is heartbreaking for him, but I also think it's what needs to happen for the good of all the children involved in the situation. The timing of it is totally up in the air.

Through all of this, I've realized that one of the things I've been struggling with (I call it being in limbo) is that I have no control over any of these situations. There is nothing I can do to speed up the process or to make sure things happen the way *I* think they should. Once again, I'm trusting in God's timing, in His plan, and that He will work it all out. I know He will, He has a good track record, it just requires me to quiet *my* heart enough to let Him work and not muck up the process.

1 comment:

T.H. Elliott said...

Sounds like things could be very cool, very soon. Good luck!