Monday, April 28, 2008

Letting Go

So, last night the STBX asked for the wedding rings back. He had given me two sets, the set we got married with, and then a second set at 5 years, that was bigger, nicer, and matched his in color more (he wore Titanium, I had yellow gold on the first ring, the second set was white gold). At first I fought it, resisted, cried, didn't want to give them back, but then I realized, they're just pieces of metal and stone, just things that represented something that ultimately failed. Dashed dreams, wrecked hopes. So, I sent them back today. I think the part that made me the most upset was that he started claiming he never wanted the divorce. He insinuated that I'd planned it all along. I'm sure he was drunk as he was emailing me. He may not even remember the conversation, but he usually does. At any rate, it's just one more piece of baggage I don't have to deal with anymore. I need to let go, and not hold too tightly to the things of this world. They are after all, just things.

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