Monday, March 24, 2008

Stress Free Rest

I don't think I'd fully realized how deep down tired and weary I've been. The past several months have taken a toll on me emotionally and physically. I've tried to be strong, 'put on a happy face', 'never let them see ya sweat' and all that good stuff. The sad truth is, I was exhausted. I was bone-jarringly, person-shatteringly deep-down-in-my-soul tired.

This past week I had a chance to finally really fully rest. Not just sleep, not just relax, but to rest my spirit, my heart, to heal, to restore, to be safe. Now as I look at the remainder of the school year looming before me, I'm so glad I took the opportunity to just 'be'. I've never really had a vacation like that before. I'm usually one to schedule every day, every detail, make sure I hit all the 'important' spots you're supposed to go to when visiting another place. As a result, you need to recover from your vacation when you get back. I didn't do that this time and it was amazing. No pressure, no schedule, no deadlines. I feel ready to face the tasks I have before me.

In the next 8 weeks at work I have to:
*finalize and put on a county wide job fair
*attend several conferences and training sessions
*finish the yearbook
*put on the spring play
*produce the senior DVD and slide show for graduation
*put programs and structure in place for next school year

and still manage to attend all the activities and functions that my own three kids are involved in: 4-H, Wrestling, Track, Soccer, AWANA, *whew*. Yeah, I'm glad I had a break. In the days and weeks to come, I can take little mini mental vacations back to last week, and hopefully re-capture some of that restful peace I experienced.

1 comment:

Your Organizing Guru said...

Last summer I had my first REAL vacation in about 3 years. Before my son was born I did a lot of traveling. After he was born that all came to a screeching halt. I had no idea how much I had missed it or how much I NEEDED it. I am glad you were able to have a time of rest and reflection away from the norm. ~Until.