Friday, August 22, 2008


Wow, This week has gone really fast, and honestly, that's just fine with me. The faster they go, the better. At least until a certain weekend in November. Then that weekend needs to just crawl by. :) Keeping busy is truly the key.

I get to school and start in on stuff I need to get done, and before I know it, it's lunch time and the end of the day is just a breeze. Even the commute is faster now that I'm carpooling with someone. We'll get into a great conversation, and I look up and, we've arrived!

There's a theory that time goes faster the older you get. Remember when summer seemed to last forever when you were little? Now it's over in the blink of an eye. I think this seems true only because we have so much more crammed on our plates and into our heads the older we get. There's more stuff to keep track of. Again, the busyness of it.

So, for now, time can just fly on by. I'm counting the weeks.

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