Friday, January 30, 2009

MUF-ing right along

My diet and weight loss journey isn't something I've blogged about at all, I don't think, but it's something that has been an ongoing battle for me since.... well.. since having children 14 years ago. I've tried every 'diet' out there, Weight Watchers (lost 20 pounds and my cholesterol shot through the roof), Atkins (who can eat like that for life?) South Beach (still better, but yikes.. low energy levels) Lean for Life (probably do-able, but I just wasn't at a place in my life where I was able to do it consistently and I always felt deprived and hungry). Now, the latest craze to hit the diet world is the Flat Belly Diet based on the idea of eating MonoUnsaturated Fats at every meal (4 400 calorie meals per day to be exact). I looked at the foods that are good sources of MUFA's (olives, olive oil, nuts and seeds, avocados and dark chocolate) and decided I could live the rest of my life eating one of those at every meal. Now, my day doesn't really lend itself to 4 meals a day, so I've cut the 4th meal into two 200 calorie snacks (which works better for my life) and I think it will be ok... we'll see. Yesterday was my first day trying this and here are my observations:

1. When it was time for my 10:30 snack, I wasn't starving.
2. I almost couldn't finish my lunch.
3. Afternoon snack was satisfying and I didn't eat dinner until 6:30 (normally I'm ravenous by 5:00)
4. None of the food in the concessions stand was temping to me last night (that may be due to the fact that I'm entirely sick of the smell of popcorn, hot dogs and nacho cheese)
5. My attitude about food is better, my attitude about most things in general is getting better all the time (I don't attribute all of that to the diet, but not feeling hungry and headachy sure helps my disposition).

So.. this is something I can live with. I'm hoping it works as well as it's supposed to.

Have a MUFAlous weekend!! :)


Anonymous said...

I've a friend at church who lost an amazing amount of weight, with no exercise, but following a strict diet. She said that she was never hungry. I'll find out the details if you get sick of the dark chocolate at every meal. :)


Your Organizing Guru said...

I'm glad it is working for you. I don't think the avocado and dark chocolate thing would be "it" for me.