Friday, January 2, 2009

2009 Goals

Ok, I'm sure the blogsphere is filled with New Year's resolutions posts. But, just so I have something to look back at and say It all started here.. These are my goals for 2009. The overall goal is to take better care of myself.. the specific steps are:

1. Drink more water. (I'm horrible at staying hydrated and as a result have horrible headaches and I'm sure I'll feel better in general if I drink more water.)

2. Take my vitamins. (Again, I'm terrible at doing this, and need to start taking better care of myself in general, afterall, this is the only body I've got!) :)

3. Drop some weight. (I'm not going to put a number on it, because I'll get obsessive about it and start sabotaging myself.. but in general, I'd like to weigh less than I do now.)

4. Read fun books. (Last year I read probably 5 or 6 self-help type books, which was fine, but I miss reading for the enjoyment of it rather than for self-improvement).

That's about it.. :)

1 comment:

Your Organizing Guru said...

I love your goals. And b/c I love you, I am making suggestions.
--You don't have to post specifics, but be specific with yourself. What amount of daily water intake is acceptable? If you don't put a number on things, how will you know when you succeed? In the same vein... how many fun books? Give yourself some deadlines! Happy Reading!