Wednesday, November 26, 2008


How do you eat an Oreo? Is there a "right" way to do it?

I never really thought I was an Oreo lover, but lately.. I've been enjoying eating them with my kids. (We bought the holiday kind with the peppermint frosting.) We were all sitting on the couch watching TV the other day and eating Oreos when I discovered that we all eat them the same way. Here is how we do it:

1. Pull apart the two chocolate wafers carefully, trying to keep all the icing on one wafer. Set the 'clean' wafer aside.

2. Gently peel off the icing from the chocolate wafer(s). This is usually done with your tongue and/or teeth but you NEVER scrape the cookie with your teeth.. just nibble no licking even. If you have to.. get a butter knife and loosen the frosting from the wafer. Eat the frosting as you get it off the wafer.

3. Repeat 1 and 2 for all cookies you are planning on eating. Then stack the frosting free wafers on top of each other (if you have 3 oreos, you'll have 6 wafers)

4. Eat each frosting free wafer one at a time, taking small bites and letting each bite melt in your mouth.

We do not dunk, we do not scrape, we do not lick. We enjoy the pristine chocolate wafer and savor every bite. :)

So... how do YOU eat an Oreo?


Sghoul said...

I just pop the whole thing in my mouth

Your Organizing Guru said...

I'm a nibbler. B is a "whole thing in his mouth" kiddo. ~J

Anonymous said...

I'm a dunker. I stick almost the whole Oreo in milk, wait for it to get soggy, and eat it. And if only half gets soggy, I carefully eat that half, scraping all the gooey Oreo off with my teeth, and dunk the other, firm half back in the milk.

I'm not sure what the best part is, the Oreo or the Oreo-milk.

T.H. Elliott said...

It depends at what point in the Oreo eating I'm in. At first, it's every cookie down the hatch. Then there might be milk involved. And when I get stuffed, I take them apart.

Lyza Lynne said...

My youngest has decided she wants an Oreo Ice Cream cake from Dairy Queen for her birthday. :) I feel a serious addiction forming here. :)

Thanks for all your thoughts on oreo eating.