Sunday, November 23, 2008


This morning in church we sang "Count your blessings". For those of you unfamiliar with the tune, it basically says when you're feeling low, count your blessings and realize how much God has done for you. This year, as I approach the actual holiday, my heart is overflowing with thanksgiving for all the blessings I've received in the past year. So, I thought I might take the opportunity to count as many as I can think of off the top of my head.

1. My relationship with God is deeper, richer and more solid than ever before in my life.
2. The custody battle for the kids is finally over (it only took 3+ years)
3. I get to see my kids almost 50% of the time and be an every day part of their lives.
4. I enjoy the love and commitment of the most honest, decent, honorable man I know.
5. My home is beautiful, clean and peaceful (that counts as three because I REALLY needed this space to be clean, beautiful and peaceful this year to heal my heart).
8. I'm able to support myself financially.
9. I have a job that while sometimes frustrating, I am good at.
10. My health is overall good.
11. I'm making friends in my new town.
12. I'm catching up with old friends online.
13. I've resolved a lot of issues from my childhood and my past relationships.
14. I know myself and like myself better than I ever have.
15. The future looks promising.

That's good for right now..

What are YOU thankful for this year? Care to count your blessings?


T.H. Elliott said...

Let's here it for old friends online. What is recently with everyone getting back in touch? It's just weird man.

Lyza Lynne said...

It is weird. I've had people contact me that I forgot I even knew! :)