Saturday, November 8, 2008


Recently I've reconnected with a LOT of people from my past. Friends from High School (and some not-so-friends from High School) Church camp friends, college friends. People I forgot I even knew. It's amazing the mix of people that have been brought into my life one way or another. They've each taught me lessons... some very valuable, others that I could have learned from anyone, they just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Sometimes I wonder what lessons they might have learned from me. What are others learning from you? I have a sign in my classroom that says "You're someone's role model whether you realize it or not". It helps me be more mindful of my actions.

1 comment:

T.H. Elliott said...

I've been connecting with a lot of people also. I'm gonna do a big post about it, but the gist is I never expected to have close friends now from the gang in high school. It's great how things work out.