Sunday, November 30, 2008

Egg Nog

So, since we've exhausted the subject of Oreos, I thought I'd ask about another one of my holiday favorites: Egg Nog. Personally, I LOVE egg nog. I think the nog should be available year round. It's probably a good thing it isn't, because I'd weigh 200 lbs if it were. On the way to my mom's house for Thanksgiving dinner, the kids and I stopped at McDonalds to get Egg Nog Milkshakes... the season just isn't complete for me without Egg Nog milkshakes, real Egg Nog (the non alcoholic kind) and Pumpkin pie. I'm also sort of wondering if this is a regional thing. So, hey all you Florida people, do you drink Egg Nog down there? :)


Robz said...

Hi Jo,

We have egg nog here in Oz to, I like it as well.

Love Robyn

Sghoul said...

Yeah, we have it here. I'm one of the few people in my family who really drink it though. Which I don't get...that stuff is awesome!

T.H. Elliott said...

Hell ya we drink Eggnog. We usually spike it pretty good on the Elliott side of the family. It's the best things to come out of eggs since Scrambled.

Your Organizing Guru said...

Egg nog is super sweet and really thick milk as far as I'm concerned. It's yummy... but too much of a good thing is no longer a good thing. My dad got me hooked on it when I was little. Yum. ~J