Friday, September 12, 2008


I may do the love dare on this blog for a while, not that I have anyone to practice this on, but I suppose I can practice it on everyone I know. I like being able to focus on one aspect of love a day. Maybe this is part of the healing process I need. Maybe I need help re-defining love because it's been so abused and warped in my fomer relationships. Whatever the reason, it's speaking to me, so I'll continue.

The second day of the Love Dare is to be kind.

Just as patience is REACTIVE (reacting to a situation in a certain way) kindness is PROACTIVE (creating a situation intentionally). Going out of your way to do something nice, say a kind word, help out, take initiative, think of something and do it. It's INTENTIONAL. Kindness is not only a gift to the receiver, it's a gift to the giver. It makes you feel better about yourself, makes you appreciate the little things in life more, but only when you do it from unselfish motives. When you do it not to receive anything back.

I'm a very practical person, so having someone do something for me that I would normally have to do myself (take out the trash, feed the animals, vaccuum, do the dishes) is a very meaningful way of being kind. It's also nice to know you're being thought about. A card, email, phone call. It doesn't have to be extravagant or expensive.. it just has to be thoughtful and kind. I want my words to always be kind and full of grace, mercy and patience. It's how I want others to treat me, so it's how I'll try to treat others.

Need ideas? The Random Act of Kindness foundation has thousands.

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