Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Give me your heart.... and let your eyes delight in my ways (Proverbs 23:26)

One of the things the Love Dare emphasises is that you are supposed to 'lead' your heart rather than 'following' your heart. You are to take control of your emotions and dictate what your actions will be rather than blindly stumbling along and letting your fickle, heart toss you about. Newlyweds easily delight in each other. They are full of romantic dreams of happily ever after marital wedded bliss with never an argument and never a bad breath kiss in the morning. Soon after the honeymoon is over, the lovely man or woman you married starts showing tendencies you never knew were there. They squeeze the toothpaste from the center not the bottom, they put the toilet paper roll on the dispenser the 'wrong' way. They are a morning person, you are a night owl and so the rounds of negotiations, revelations and disappointments start spinning. It's easy to lose sight after 5 or 10 or 20 years of marriage as to exactly why you married that person in the first place. Sometimes just staying married is hard, much less delighting in your spouse. The beauty of the marriage relationship is that it can be reborn and renewed. You can choose to treasure your spouse, choose to see your differences as strengths rather than weaknesses and see in your spouse the person God intended them to be. Maybe it's time to laugh again, flirt again, dream again and gaze into your spouse's eyes. I know it seems mushy, or sappy, but as the songs say.. the best part of love is when it's brand new. It's fun to be 'in love' So, convince your heart to give it a try.

Today's task is to purposefully neglect and activity you would normally do so you can spend quality time with your spouse. Do something your spouse would love to do or start (and finish?) a project together.

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