Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I've been fighting it for well over a week now and I have to finally admit it, I'm sick. (Yo! No comments from the peanut gallery about my mental state. We all know that ship sailed a LOOOONG time ago.) I've had a raging headache for the last 24 hours. My throat feels like someone buffed it with sand paper and my voice is barely more than a squeak most of the time. It's really hard to teach when you can't talk. My students love it. :) Tonight I started in with the chills and nausea. So, bring on the chicken soup, dayquil, robitussin, vitamin C, hot baths and lots of rest. I'm sick... and I'm tired of fighting it.


T.H. Elliott said...

Sometimes you have to curl up in a little ball of sick and admit you're crazy.

Lyza Lynne said...

I pretty much did that last week. I went to bed at like 8:30 every night. I feel much better now, thanks. :)