Friday, October 3, 2008


" Each of us comes into life with an inborn hunger to be known, loved and accepted.......Someone who knows us intimately can either love us at depths we never imagined, or can wound us in ways we may never fully recover from. It's both the fire and the fear of marriage"

Today we talk about intimacy. Marriage should be a safe harbor in the midst of the storms of life. It should be a place where we can be ourselves and not have to worry about our past mistakes being flung in our faces. Sharing intimate details of your history with your spouse can either lead to shame and scorn from them, or love, acceptance and forgiveness. The warning is that if the love and acceptance doesn't happen within the marriage relationship, that level of intimacy may be found in other areas of life. It may lead to adultry, emotional or physical, or to workaholicism (yeah, I made that up). Somehow, we all need to feel accepted, respected and loved.

In my own life, I used to find that acceptance and respect at work, and maybe that is why work is so hard and somewhat dissatisfying for me lately. The place I used to associate with love and acceptance is no longer the place I'm receiving that. No wonder I'd rather be at home. :) I guess I just need to readjust my perceptions and grin and bear it just like everyone else in the world. I used to escape home to go to work where I was happy and loved. Now I can't wait to escape work to go home where I am happy and loved. Of the two choices, I'll take the latter.

Have a great weekend!

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