Thursday, October 16, 2008


I've discovered that seasonable is a relative term. This week has been proof of that as I try valiantly NOT to get a cold. Fall weather with the extremes in temperatures really play havoc with my system. I'm constantly either too warm or too cold and so I dress in layers so I can adjust my temperature accordingly. This morning I wore a t-shirt, sweater and medium weight coat to work to ward off the chilly 35 degree weather. I ended up carrying both the sweater and the jacket home as the temperatures soared into the 70's today.

But hey, good news, the ski areas opened this week, so that means winter is officially on it's way.

So, hopefully you're enjoying the weather, whatever it may be wherever you are. God gives us seasons (in weather and in life) for a reason. :)

1 comment:

T.H. Elliott said...

Man, I want to go skiing again. It was a lot of fun. Well, when I wasn't falling down it was fun.