Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I, like many moms I know, struggle with 'perfection'.. not that I'm perfect and struggle with it, but that I EXPECT myself to be perfect and to do things perfectly and beat myself up when I can't quite measure up to my own expectations. While that may sound like a really lame thing to worry about, it's something that I'm trying to 'let go' of. Trying to be perfect all the time stresses me out. It makes me cranky and impatient and it stresses my kids out too. I'm trying to let go a little. My life doesn't always have to work out the way I planned (in fact, it rarely does) and I learn to adapt quickly when I'm teaching, so I need to carry that over into the rest of my life.. and just let go a little.. The problem is, I'm sort of an 'all or nothing' kind of person, so I'm afraid that if I let go too much I'll end up not doing anything well. It's all a balance.

Today I heard the song "Perfect" by Sara Evans (on Pandora radio, if you don't listen, you should.. it's personalized radio.. how cool is that?) The words were some that I need to keep in mind, in every area of my life.

If you don't take me to Paris
On a lover's getaway
It's all right, it's all right
If I'd rather wear your t-shirt
Than a sexy negligee
It's all right, it's all right
Every dinner doesn't have to be candlelit
It's kinda nice to know that it doesn't have to be

Baby every little piece
Of the puzzle doesn't always fit
Love can be rough around the edges tattered at the seams
But honey if it's good enough for you
It's good enough for me
If your mother doesn't like
The way I treat her baby boy
It's all right, it's all right
If in every wedding picture
My daddy looks annoyed
It's all right, it's all right
Don't you know that all the fairy tales tell a lie
Real love and real life doesn't have to be

[Repeat Chorus]

You don't mind if I show up late for everything
And when you lose your cool it's kinda cute to me
Ain't it nice to know that we don't have to be

[Repeat Chorus]

It's good enough for me (perfect)
Yeah good enough for me (perfect)
Good enough for me (perfect)

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