Monday, March 2, 2009


So, as I contemplate the changes that could possibly occur in my life in the next few months, I realize that I usually try to prepare myself for the 'worst case scenario'. I tend to get fatalistic about things and jump to the very worst possible conclusions and prepare myself for that eventuality. Right now, I'm mentally preparing myself for the possibility that I will end up utterly alone in the middle of nowhere. Sure, I'll still have co-workers and church friends and neighbors, but no family, no one here who a) my world can revolve around or b) whose world revolves in constant orbit with mine. I find that this is my biggest fear in life. Why? probably because I'm an extrovert and a nurturer by nature, and I think I actually *need* to have someone else to take care of. Of course, I'll still have my dogs, and I guess that's something.. at least I won't be the crazy cat lady.

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