Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So, this being the first year I've had my kids that I don't have to bow to the traditions of spouses, parents, etc.. I would like to try something new.. but I'm not sure what. Any suggestions? What are YOUR favorite Christmas traditions (or New Years Eve, because I'll actually have them New Years Eve, but not Christmas Eve or Christmas Day this year).

Also.. does the DAY really matter?? We won't celebrate "Christmas" this year together until Dec 29th. That's when I get them for my time during break. I won't have them the night before, so won't be able to do Christmas "Eve" type things with them (new pj's etc).. but I'd still like suggestions.. memories.. wishes?


T.H. Elliott said...

A present the night before. Letting us open our stockings in the morning before anyone wakes up. A big breakfast after opening presents.

Anonymous said...

Have the 29th as 'Christmas Eve'. And then on the 30th have what you'd like Christmas day to be like. Although you won't be able to go to church in the morning, or something like that, you can still have it your way.

We have pancakes for breakfast, which (if we remember) we make up the batter the night before. With it being Strawberry season, we slice up strawberries, and sprinkle castor sugar on them, and top the pancakes with this.

Your Organizing Guru said...

First, a shameless blog plug where several women share their favorite traditions...

Second, I don't think the actual DAY matters. Hey, you could do Christmas Eve on the 29. Christmas Day on Dec 30. Then go right into New Years!

Lyza Lynne said...

Thanks for all the suggestions! It really complicates things having a birthday boy on the 31st. We'll do Christmas on the 29th and Birthday on the 31st this year I think. Maybe next year I'll add in a Christmas Eve tradition.