Sunday, May 3, 2009

Feeling Good

April was a hard month for me. I was extremely busy, and really didn't take time for myself like I should have. It also means Easter candy which has been the downfall of many many diet attempts on my part. This year was no exception. So, with April out of the way, and summer quickly approaching (yay!) I'm starting to make some changes in my weekly habits. The first change is that I'm moving more. I'm walking, outside working in my yard, and also doing work out dvd's. I've noticed that I feel better about myself when I exercise. Maybe it's the endorphins, maybe it's just because I'm taking care of me, but I like it. I'm going to keep doing it.

The other thing I'm doing is setting small (6 weeks at a time) goals for weight loss. I get overwhelmed when I think about 4 or 5 or 6 months down the road, but 6 weeks I can do and 10 pounds at a time is something reasonable in 6 weeks. If I do more, great! But, I think I can stick to this. I need to use the time I have wisely, and part of that is getting away from the computer and outside. So, with that said, I think I'll walk to church this morning. Yard work is on the agenda this afternoon.

Have a great day!

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